Caffeinated Dreaming

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Saturday, May 29, 2010

Can we pretend that airplanes in the night sky are like shooting stars?

so i am lazy. of course anyone who
knows me knows that. i mean, its part of being me. along with a list of wierd
quirks. im obsessed with movies, i am ocd, i burst out singing ALL THE TIME, and
i have this tendancy to rip up paper when im bored. i guess its just me, i like
to be different. i mean, if everyone were the same that would kind of suck. it
would be sooo boring. and i dont like boring things. i like to do stuff. and to
go places. i have this habit of pacing, i cant stand to just sit still. maybe
thats why im never good at school work. too much sitting. you know im pretty
sure thats bad for people, maybe they should fix that. i vote that we add recess
again. with those little playgrounds, that always seemed so big when you were
little, and sandboxes that made you feel like you were at the beach. ya i like
that idea. lets just add recess, maybe thats how we can get world peace. just
talk or fight it out on a playground. have you ever seen an adult act like a
child? i love it, it kind of makes my day. i dont think people should be so
stuffy all the time, why not be a little random, and impulsive. especially if
people stare. thats the most fun part. watching people wonder why you're running
around strangly and secretly wishing that they could be you. i mean you know
thats what they're thinking- everyone loved childhood thats all we really want
isnt it?

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