Caffeinated Dreaming

In order to see, one must first Believe...

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Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Shiney Shoes...

Have you ever been shopping and found a store you really like- one that's just perfect for you, and your style, but then, when you go in there's just something wrong with everything you try on. It doesn't fit, doesn't lay right, or just isnt something you end up liking. and so you have to go to a whole new store but the whole time you're wondering....what if?

Rainbows and Puppies, and That Last Missing Sock....

You know what I really hate is when you can't find what you're looking for, even when you had it just a moment ago. Its like when you start writing that note to put on the kitchen counter, so that the rest of the family knows you went to go buy milk, and you put the pen down for just one second, and when you look back- it's gone. You know it was there just one second ago, but now it seems to have somehow grown little legs and walked off. So, of course, instead of getting off your lazy butt to go find a new pen
in that pen drawer in the office about 5 feet away, you spend about 10 minutes looking for this one pen. Then, finally, right when you're about to give up, you find it and it's right where you left it all along. It's right there in front of you, as if waiting for you to give up looking and just wait for it to come to you. Of course, this whole process in the end is quite counter productive as, not only have you wasted 10 extra minutes, but you're also now entirely too tired to actually go to the store, so you give up and wait for someone else to buy milk for you. But I guess that's just how life is sometimes isn't it? You lose things, and spend years searching for them, only to find them waiting for you to pause in your search then find them. Then, when you finally do, you realize that you don't need them anymore. Now, some people I guess would call this a waste, but me? I call it an adventure.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

The beginning...

Sometimes there's only so much you can do until you've had enough, and I say that when this point comes- celebrate it. The year 2009 is coming to a close and all i can say is thank goodness. Letting go of what was, and moving on to something else may seem to some a weakness, but I think of it as a strength. As some say, the past and future are nothing, it is only the moment that matters. And so, as we come to this new year, things have started to change, why not make it for the better? 2010 signifies not only a new year, but a new decade, and possibly for some, a new life. Why can't we all begin again? Our heads held high, surrounded by those who love us, ignoring those who dont. Lets start over, come out of this reccession, and stay postive, believe, for once and all, that anything is possible, with hope...