Caffeinated Dreaming

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Sunday, May 25, 2014

The Cat's Meow

Your cat calls are like sirens. Police, not mermaid. Your grating threats are whispered promises. Your simple joke impales the rights my ancestors fought for, and yet you have the gall to get angry because "friendzoning" is "cruel". As if a woman has no right to be uninterested in a man sexually. As if a woman has no other purpose to her life than to be appealing. Well stop. And think. Because you argue that not every man is rapey or misogynistic, but you can't leave that past in the past if you insist on reenacting it. Especially in odds that reoccur every two minutes in a first-world country that declares itself above rape, but then turns around and reprimands a woman for wanting to take control of her body when intelligent enough to know that pregnancy is not her thing. You don't live in a world where your enemy and your friend look exactly the same. So please, for the sake of proving that not all men are what feminists fear. Lead by example. Because us women will stop complaining when there's no reason to complain.

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