Caffeinated Dreaming

In order to see, one must first Believe...

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Wednesday, June 30, 2010

If you're happy but don't know it....

Why is it that all of us humans seem to want what we cant have and once we get it, we dont want it? its like when we first see something and we immediately see it as perfect. Able to solve all our problems. But then, those little imperfections seem to seep through the cracks and rear their ugly faces, and no matter how much you dont want to admit it, you're left wishing you had never even seen that thing in the first place. So why are we all like that? We just assume, imagine, wish that something is better then it is. And then, when it isn't we become dissapointed. Like puppies who've just been given a new toy, only to find it broken two days later. I vote we give up these preconceptions on how we want our world to be (as hypocrytical as that sounds). If it were just exactly as we wanted it, it would be no fun. So why can't we just look at people, notice their flaws, and accept them, choosing to focus on their good? ya, that would be nice. Too bad thats not how it works....

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