Caffeinated Dreaming

In order to see, one must first Believe...

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Monday, July 26, 2010

Sitting With a Friend

We hide behind these masks of preconception. Everyone pretending to be just what they think everyone else wants them to be. We do things, say things, and act a certain way, just so that we can fit in. But inside we all yearn to be different. To stand out, be individuals. Have you ever felt proud because you've done something that no one you know has? But why do we have unwritten rules for what individuality is right? And why do these rules change and blur as we talk to different people? I dont want to wear this mask anymore. Im proud of who i am, the same, different, annoying, and everything in between. I think that people are always more tolerant of others then they seem to be, so why hide? Rip off these faces and reveal ourselves. If those who you meet along the way can appriciate who you are, then celebrate life with them, and if they cant, who cares? Neither one is wrong. Just different. And there is beauty in the differences, like a rainbow, life wouldnt exist without each color.

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